ADAPT-6i Method

Preparing for a New World of Work
The changes needed to prepare for the new world of work requires a serious reevaluation of an organization’s entire strategic planning assumptions, business operating models, technology infrastructure and organizational design.
Creating a vision of the new world of work, which leverages technology, introduces innovative
thinking and redefines the organization, is paramount to succeeding in the future.
We Work Hard to Help You Adapt
Adaptation has developed a six-step proprietary plan called The ADAPT-6i Method to help clients adjust to digital change.
This action plan offers:
- Insights—We provide you and your team with a macro overview of the technological, economic, social, political, demographic and cultural trends that are driving the new world of business that calls for a new way of work.
- Impacts—We then work with your team to identify the change impacts that these business trends may have on your industry, your organization, your business units, your department(s)/function, and your workers.
- Implications—After identifying the impacts these business changes will have on you, we identify the implications for the ways you have handled business challenges in the past. This phase is meant to challenge your team to realize that the implications of acting (or not acting) are profound. We then develop a number of possible and plausible scenarios to enable your team to start business planning.
- Imperatives—Once you identify both your possible as well as plausible scenarios, you can determine what you need to thrive in the future. This becomes a part of your strategic (3- to 5-year) planning process.
- Initiatives—To fulfill your strategic goals, we outline the Initiatives you need to support your strategic plan. If you don’t have a strategic plan, we will help you to create one.
- Implementation—We assist your team in creating the specific project plans, outlining the subprojects, tasks and activities, deliverables, milestones and timelines to achieve your operational and strategic goals.